Selected Messages, Volume 2


A Word to the Reader

Fanaticism and Deceptive Teachings - Introduction
  1. Warnings Against Sensational Teachings and Emotional Religion
  2. Early Fanaticism to be Repeated
  3. The Holy Flesh Doctrine
  4. Warnings Against Deceptive Claims of the Spirits Guidance
  5. Miracles Not a Test of Gods Favor
  6. Our Safety Against Delusions
Erroneous and Subversive Movements - Introduction
  1. The Divine Credentials
  2. Meeting the Claims of False Prophets
  3. Earmarks of Erroneous Teaching
  4. The Visions of Anna Phillips
  5. To Be on Guard
  6. The Three Angels and the Other Angel
Unwise Affiliations - Introduction
  1. Should Christians Be Members of Secret Societies
  2. Avoiding Labor Conflicts
Counsels for Workers - Introduction
  1. Admonition Will Be Heard
  2. Christs Lifework and Ours
  3. Unity and Devotion
  4. An Appeal to D M Canright
The Remuneration of Our Workers - Introduction
  1. An Object Lesson
  2. General Principles Governing Worker Remuneration
  3. The Workers in Our Institutions
  4. Financial Assistance in Worker Qualification
  5. Counsel to One Who for Financial Reasons Was Planning to Leave the Work of God
Comfort and Encouragement - Introduction
  1. Words to Those in Advanced Years
  2. Fortitude in Affliction
  3. Assurance to Those Facing Death
  4. The Bereaved
The Use of Medicinal Agencies - Introduction
  1. Statements on the Use of Drugs
  2. The Use of Remedies
  3. Ellen G Whites Use of Remedial Agencies
  4. Personal Experiences
General Counsels - Introduction
  1. Proper Attitude in Prayer
  2. No Other Gods Before Me
  3. Useful Occupation Better Than Games
  4. Guidance by Chance Methods
  5. Providing for the Day of Need
  6. The Aged Who Have No Homes
  7. On the Military Question
  8. Counsel on Voting
  9. Hops Tobacco and Swine
  10. Counsels on Certain Marriage Situations
  11. Counsel Regarding Intermarriage
  12. Miraculous Healing
  13. The Perils of Hypnosis
  14. A Call to Country Living
  15. Guided by Gods Providences
As We Near the End - Introduction
  1. Preparing for the Final Crisis
  2. A Work of Purification Needed
  3. A Distinctive Name and People
  4. The Pillars of Our Faith
  5. Loyal or Disloyal
  6. The Church Triumphant
  7. Last Messages to the General Conference
Appendix 1 - Disease and Its Causes
Appendix 2 - Important Factors in Choosing a Life Companion
Appendix 3 - The Brotherhood of Mankind