Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce


  1. Important Facts and Principles
  2. Cautions and Counsels
  3. Individuality
  4. Remarriage of Widows and Widowers
  5. The Christian Spouses Behavior
  6. Counsels to Walter and Laura
  7. Admonition to Walters Second Mother-in-law
  8. Failure of Walters Second Marriage
  9. Separation
  10. Grounds for Divorce
  11. The Sin of Licentiousness
  12. Disregard of the Seventh Commandment
  13. Dealing with Impure Thoughts and Suggestions
  14. Sexual Excess within Marriage
  15. Petting and Premarital Sex
  16. Homosexuality
  17. Masturbation
  18. Child Abuse
  19. A Housewife
  20. A Long-Standing Adventist and His Mistress
  21. A Hospital Worker
  22. A Sanitarium Superintendent
  23. A Would-Be Sanitarium Superintendent
  24. A Medical Doctor
  25. A Literature Evangelist
  26. A Public Evangelist
  27. An Honored Minister
  28. An Influential Minister
  29. Four Unholy Ministers
  30. Ellen Whites Assistants
  31. Respect for Unbiblical Marriages
  32. Brother G
  33. Stephen Belden
  34. William E Part I
  35. William E Part II
  36. Appeal to Ministers
  37. Counsel to a General Conference President
  38. Counsels to City Mission and Institutional Leaders
  39. The Adulterer and Church Membership
  40. A Statement by Ellen and James White
  41. Gods Love for the Sinner
  42. Understanding Others
Appendix A Masturbation And Insanity
Appendix B An Early Church Problem